Donate To Wifi’s Legacy
Wifi Was The Heart Of Coachella Animal Network
Wifi became our mascot at Coachella Animal Network. He attending events and was always walking to help raise money for our public low cost spay & neuter clinics. Wifi has helped thousands of dogs and cats get the treatment they need.

Wifi Loved Everyone
Wifi got along with cats, dogs and everyone he came in contact with. He always put a smile on everyone’s face and helped raise money for other animals in need.
About Wifi
Everyone Loves Wifi
Wifi has become Coachella Animal Network’s mascot and attends our spay and neuter clinics along with special events to help raise money.
Wifi Was A Rescue
Kim adopted Wifi in 2018 when he was one year old and expected to be euthanized. He was severely neglected and abused. His back legs were paralyzed and had no skin. Despite weighing only 6 pounds he was a fighter. The vet saw his determination to live and we saved him. He had fighting spirit and made people happy everywhere he went!
Please Donate To Wifi’s Memory
Wifi was loved by all at our events and we would love to keep servicing the commuity in his honor. With your donations C.A.N. can continue to provide LOW COST spay, neuter and vaccine clinics to our community.
PO BOX 1771, Indio, California 92202
(760) 848-4284